The Kerala High Court on Tuesday quashed the criminal proceedings against Aster Medcity and nine doctors who had been accused of violating the provisions of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994.Justice Ziyad Rahman A.A. passed the order. The Kerala High Court on Tuesday quashed the criminal proceedings against Aster Medcity and nine doctors who had been accused …
The Kerala High Court on Tuesday issued notice on Olympian Mayookha Johny's plea to quash the FIR lodged against her for allegedly raising false rape allegations against C.C. Johnson who serves at the Emperor Emmanuel Church.When the counsel for the petitioner pointed out that the petitioner is an Olympian, Justice K Haripal orally remarked:"How is that related to the case? …
The Kerala High Court on Wednesday sought the State government's stand on Olympian Mayookha Johny's plea to quash the FIR lodged against her for allegedly raising false rape allegations. Ayub Khan appearing for the petitioner contended that the case against one of the prime accused in the FIR was quashed and therefore, the same relief could be granted for her …
The Kerala High Court on Friday ordered a detention centre to be immediately set up for Johny Alexander Duran Sola, an El Salvador citizen who was accused of smuggling cocaine to the State. Kunhikrishnan directed the authorities to take expeditious steps upon noticing that despite his acquittal in the case, he has been in jail: "The authority concerned should take …