Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor with his mother Neetu Kapoor and sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni featured as guests on stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma's first episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show on March 30. Kapil stated that, as per the widely circulated rumour, Alia’s friends and cousins demanded around ₹12 crore for ‘joota chupai’ while it was suggested that Ranbir had …
Singer Rahul Vaidya, in a media interaction after marrying television actor Disha Parmar on Friday, revealed that he was betrayed by his friend during the joota chupai ritual. While Aly Goni kept Rahul Vaidya’s shoes safely, one of the singer’s friends was hand-in-glove with Disha Parmar’s side. Mere dost ne Aly ko bola ki woh mojdi mujhe de do aur …