Actor K. Chiranjeevi, who turned 69 on August 22, offered prayers at the temple of Lord Venkateswara here. After an overnight stay in Tirumala, Mr. Chiranjeevi, along with his family members, took part in the pre-dawn ‘Suprabhata seva’ inside the temple. Pawan’s wishes Meanwhile, conveying his birthday wishes, Jana Sena Party president and Deputy Chief Minister K. Pawan Kalyan said …
TDP national president N. Chandrababu Naidu on April 23 said that wealth creation in Andhra Pradesh would be possible only if the TDP-BJP-JSP came to power, saying that the TDP government earlier had ensured the “best administration” for the people. The TDP national president also addressed Praja Galam public meetings in Patapatnam and Amadalavalasa constituencies in Srikakulam district. “The overwhelming …
The Jan Soochna Portal launched by the government of Rajasthan yesterday is a remarkable achievement in furtherance of the right to information — especially Section 4 of the RTI Act — that deals with proactive disclosure of information. Transparency must be accompanied by accountability, and that is where the JSP has great value and significance since it places the power …
Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati accused the BJP-led central government on Thursday of failing on all fronts and claimed that people from all sections, including the poor and traders, were unhappy with its governance in the last five years. Hyderabad: Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati accused the BJP-led central government on Thursday of failing on all fronts and claimed that …