Actor Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan's recently-released film JugJugg Jeeyo opened in theatres to warm responses. One look of Kiara, in particular, is creating quite a buzz, and it is her bright red bridal lehenga from the wedding sequence. Loved Kiara Advani's breathtaking red bridal lehenga choli from JugJugg Jeeyo? Kiara's bright red bridal ensemble features a red raw silk …
Actor Kiara Advani and Neetu Kapoor brought their best fashion game forward for their recently-released film JugJugg Jeeyo also starring Varun Dhawan and Anil Kapoor. While Kiara wore a pristine white lehenga set, Neetu donned a dark green suit set for the clicks. Kiara Advani and Neetu Kapoor's gorgeous traditional outfits from JugJugg Jeeyo are must-have for your wardrobe Kiara's …
Actors Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan with Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor kickstarted the promotions of their upcoming film Jugjugg Jeeyo with a blast. Jugjugg Jeeyo actors Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan stun in ethnic looks for their film's trailer launch Varun Dhawan's stylist Mohit Rai took to Instagram to share pictures of the actor with Kiara. Coming to Kiara …