A six-judge bench headed by Justice NV Ramana dismissed the plea, saying ’no case is made out' New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the curative petition filed by Pawan Gupta, one of the four death-row convicts in the 2012 Delhi gangrape and murder case, against the dismissal of his juvenility claim. A six-judge bench headed by Justice NV …
A day before the scheduled hangings in the Nirbhaya case, the Supreme Court on Thursday dismissed the curative petition filed by death row convict Pawan Kumar Gupta challenging the dismissal of his claim of juvenility at the time of offence.A 6-judge bench comprising Justices N V Ramana, Arun Mishra, R F Nariman, R Banumathi, Ashok Bhushan and A S Bopanna …
The Supreme Court will hear on 20 January a plea of a death row convict in the 2012 Delhi gangrape and murder case against a Delhi High Court order dismissing his claim of being a juvenile at the time of the commission of the offence New Delhi: The Supreme Court will hear on 20 January a plea of a death …