Sunita Ahuja speaks out against nepotism In an interview with Hindi Rush, Govinda’s wife Sunita spoke about her daughter Tina Ahuja. Sunita said, “Agar uske liye achha kaam aata hai, toh wo kyu nahi karegi? Aap ek hi group mein sabko…wohi group mein kaam hota hai. Govinda and Sunita shared two kids together: a daughter Tina Ahuja and son Yashvardhan.
Emphasising that judiciary is the top most priority for Delhi Government, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today proposed a pilot project for the national capital wherein he suggested that no case, either civil or criminal, should remain pending for more than six months.Speaking at the inauguration of Delhi High Court's new S Block building, Kejriwal said that the Delhi Government will. …
Akshay Kumar’s most recent film, Bachchhan Paandey, may not have been a box-office success, but that won’t stop him from signing new projects and returning to the big screen. Excerpts from a freewheeling chat: Akshay Kumar’s latest release Bachchhan Paandey received mixed reviews. I don’t say no to any work that comes my way — kaisa bhi role ho, kaisa …