Abhishek Bachchan has perfected the art of replying to the trolls in their own language. The actor was at it again as a man took to social media to share the photo of a farmer on Twitter and wrote, “If Abhishek wasn’t “Bachchan”. Some time back, a person wrote on Twitter, “Aapko nahi lagta ke aapko filmon mein kaam sirf …
Actor Abhishek Bachchan’s back-and-forth with Twitter trolls continued into the night after he’d responded to a couple of them on Thursday. “Aapko nahi lagta ke aapko filmon mein kaam sirf Amitabh Bachchan ke bete hone ki vajah se milta hai?” one person asked Abhishek. Sochiye, kitna kaam milta mujhe..” When another person, also named Abhishek, said that Abhishek was given …
Reigniting the Ayodhya temple row, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday said Lord Ram's work has to be done and soon it will be done. In his first speech after BJP's thumping victory in the 2019 Lok Sabha election, Bhagwat said, "If we have to do Ram's work, we have to do it on our own." "If we …