Govinda and his wife, Sunita Ahuja, will be seen as guests in the upcoming episode of The Kapil Sharma Show. Host Kapil Sharma reminded Sunita that when she came on the show previously, she had said that she has given Govinda the freedom to romance and even flirt with his female co-stars. “Main inka kaam dekhti hoon na, main dekhti …
Priyanka Chopra made the country proud, yet again, as she has signed a multimillion dollar first look TV deal with Amazon. To which Priyanka Chopra wrote, "Thappad nahi kaam se maaro lol. — PRIYANKA July 1, 2020 Priyanka Chopra is receiving praises galore from her friends and fans. — VibhAnshu July 1, 2020 Another one wrote, "Get them ma'am," …