The Malayalam film industry continues to deliver exceptional cinema, with this year’s Onam celebrations witnessing two major blockbusters—Ajayante Randam Moshanam and Kishkindha Kaandam. While ARM has already begun streaming on Disney+ Hotstar, fans can now enjoy Kishkindha Kaandam on the same platform, as it makes its digital debut. Directed by Dinjith Ayyathan, Kishkindha Kaandam is a gripping mystery thriller featuring …
Kishkindha Kaandam, a Malayalam psychological mystery thriller directed by Dinjith Ayyathan, has garnered attention for its captivating story and powerful performances. Asif Ali's Kishkindha Kaandam is the first solo lead film to surpass ₹75 crore at the box office. OTT release date While it was initially scheduled for a digital release on November 1, 2024, the latest update confirms that …
Thiagarajan Kumaraja is only one film old in Kollywood, yet he is one of the most respected filmmakers in the industry. His debut film Aaranya Kaandam broke the grammar of Tamil cinema and is regarded as one of the best movies ever made in Kollywood. Now, after a decade, his second film Super Deluxe is all set to hit the …