Hyderabad Police release video detailing events leading to stampede at Sandhya Theatre The Hyderabad city police released a video prepared by them detailing the timeline of events that led up to the stampede at Sandhya Theatre on December 4 for Pushpa 2’s benefit show which resulted in Revathi’s death and critically injured her son Sritej. Congress slams govt over different …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday received Kuwait's highest civilian award 'The Order of Mubarak Al Kabeer', from the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah during his visit to the nation on Sunday. #WATCH | Kuwait: Prime Minister Narendra Modi receives the highest civilian award 'The Order of Mubarak the Great', from the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on Sunday awarded Kuwait's highest honour ‘The Order of Mubarak Al Kabeer’. Prime Minister Narendra Modi being conferred with Kuwait's highest honour 'The Order of Mubarak Al Kabeer' by Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah, in Kuwait. “I am honoured to be conferred the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Order by His Highness the Amir …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Kuwait, on Sunday received the gulf country's highest honour, 'The Order of Mubarak Al Kabeer', marking the 20th international award he got from a nation. Warmly received by HH Sheikh Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, PM of Kuwait. PM Modi is on a two-day visit to the Gulf nation at …