Four mid and small-budgeted Tamil films, Iruttu, Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu, Dhanusu Rasi Neyargalae and Jada, released on 6 December. After the opening, in the next three days, Iruttu grossed Rs 3.8 crore in Tamil Nadu, with the Chennai city gross being Rs 45 lakh. Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu was second this past weekend at the Tamil Nadu box office. …
Let’s begin this review with an exercise. That the conventional wisdom Athiyan relied on to think up Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu had been missing in mainstream Indian cinema, until this point, is a bit of a surprise. Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu Director: Athiyan Athirai Cast: Dinesh, Anandhi, Munishkanth, Riythvika Story line: A lorry driver unwittingly gets caught in the radar …
Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu aka Gundu, directed by Athiyan Athirai, is funded by Pa Ranjith’s home banner. The latter’s family is against their love and how their lives get entangled with the gundu forms the story of Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu. In the second half of the film, things tend to get a little repetitive, especially when Dinesh’s character tries …