A blockbuster hit from actor Vikram is long overdue. Rajesh M Selva, the director of Kamal Haasan's Thoongavanam, has directed Kadaram Kondan and the film has been produced by Ulaganayagan under his production banner Raaj Kamal Films International. Here are the responses to Vikram's Kadaram Kondan: #KadaramKondan - So well made action thriller which will engage you through out. #KadaramKondanFromJuly19 …
Abi Mehdi Hassan was a bundle of nerves on what was perhaps one of the biggest nights in his short career so far. The youngest of veteran actor Nasser’s three sons, Hassan, 21, took to the stage, and was in a mood to express gratitude to the filmmakers who’ve handed him a lead role alongside an established actor. Though, he …