Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who is gearing up for the release of Telugu mythological drama Shaakuntalam on Friday, recently talked about her Tamil film Kaathuvakula Rendu Kadhal which endorsed bigamy as humour. Directed by Vignesh Shivn, Kaathuvakula Rendu Kadhal starred Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. In an interview with Film Companion, Samantha was asked about accepting the project …
Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu on Thursday took to Instagram to announce that the shoot of her upcoming Tamil romantic comedy, Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal, has been wrapped up. Sharing some pictures from the wrap-up party along with her post, Samantha said she can’t wait for the film to make the audiences laugh till their tummies hurt. Can’t wait for you …
The teaser of Vijay Sethupathi’s upcoming Tamil romantic comedy Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kaadhal is out. Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kaadhal teaser features Vijay Sethupathi, Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Nayanthara. Directed by Vignesh Shivn, the film is a lighthearted comedy about a love triangle featuring Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. It also marks the reunion of Vignesh, Vijay Sethupathi and …
Actor Vijay Sethupathi and Samantha are coming together as a pair for the first time in upcoming Tamil romantic comedy Kathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal. Vijay Sethupathi and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in Kathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal. Samantha was last seen playing a Sri Lankan Tamil rebel in the hit web series, Family Man season 2. Meanwhile, Samantha is Hollywood bound as …