The BJP candidate for Warangal Lok Sabha constituency Aroori Ramesh has alleged that Station Ghanpur MLA Kadiyam Srihari had conspired to scuttle the growth of Madiga leaders in erstwhile Warangal district for his political gains. He also accused Mr. Srihari of backstabbing BRS president and former chief minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao despite the former offering the MP ticket to his …
WARANGAL: Senior BRS leader Kadiam Srihari on Saturday hit out at party president K. Chandrashekar Rao and working president K.T. Srihari said some BRS leaders who were silent when leaders including Pasunuri Dayakar and Aroori Ramesh left the party were now attacking him. Srihari said he did not approach the Congress but it was Congress leaders who sought him out …
Two weeks ago, a senior Congress functionary called Station Ghanpur MLA Kadiyam Srihari. This was a part of the party’s effort to reach out to some senior Bharat Rashtra Samithi leaders asking them to consider contesting the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on the behalf of Congress By not announcing the Warangal SC reserved seat, Congress party kept the channel open …