Hrithik Roshan-starrer Kaho Naa. On January 10, Hrithik's 51st birthday, the film will be re-released at PVR INOX cinemas, allowing fans to relive the magic of this unforgettable romance on the big screen. Pyaar Hai marked the debut of Hrithik Roshan and Amisha Patel. Pyaar Hai catapulted Hrithik Roshan to stardom when it was first released on January 14, 2000. …
On Saturday, Hrithik Roshan bagged the trophy for Best Actor in a Leading Role at International Indian Film Academy Awards 2023. The actors are seen doing the hookstep of Hrithik's song Ek Pal Ka Jeena, which featured in his debut film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Another one said, “My favourite actor dancing to my favourite song from my favourite film.” …