Virat Kohli recently confessed that while growing up he admired actor Hrithik Roshan. Pictures from Virat Kohli's signed-up page from a slam book are also going viral which mentions the actor as the cricketer's ‘most admirable person.’ Talking about it, Virat also said that he was blown away by Hrithik's debut film Kaho Na… Pyaar Hai. Kaho Na… Pyaar Hai …
Photographer Dabboo Ratnani, who is gearing up for the launch of the 2021 edition of his annual calendar, has spoken about the bond that he shares with his subjects. In an interview, Dabboo Ratnani revealed that he was the one who shot Hrithik Roshan's first portfolio, which encouraged Hrithik's father, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, to launch him as an actor in …
Actor Hrithik Roshan recently appeared on popular TV show The Kapil Sharma Show and talked about the love he received soon after his grand Bollywood debut with Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Speaking on the show, Hrithik said that he received more than 30000 marriage proposal after the film hit theatres in 2000, a Mumbai Mirror report claimed. Directed by Rakesh …