Pyaar Hai celebrates its 25th anniversary on January 14, actor Hrithik Roshan reflected on his journey in Bollywood. Speaking at an event, Roshan, who debuted with the film, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the media, crediting them for shaping his growth as an actor and individual over the last two and a half decades. I remember 25 years back when Kaho …
Actress Gauahar Khan and her husband Zaid Darbar, who is a YouTuber, were seen dancing to the title track of the movie Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, starring Hrithik Roshan and Amisha Patel. Recreating the famous step of the song and sharing it on Instagram, Zaid captioned it as “Main tera hero” and called Gauahar his partner in crime. View this …
Even as the country fights widespread lockdown in the wake of coronavirus, several producers have lined up to get film titles related to Covid-19 registered. One of those titles registered is, Corona Pyaar Hai - a clear take on Hrithik Roshan’s Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Hrithik’s dad and producer of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, Rakesh Roshan, is irked and told …