Kalaiyarasan recently revealed an interesting tidbit about Dhanush while shooting for Netflix’s Jagame Thandhiram. Directed by Karthik Subbaraj, Jagame Thandhiram stars Dhanush, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Joju George, James Cosmo, Kalaiyarasan and Sharath Ravi in pivotal roles. DHANUSH GIFTS A FEVERISH KALAIYARASAN NEW THERMALS The cast of Jagame Thandhiram, which released on Netflix on June 18, shares a great bond on-and-off the …
Jagame Thandhiram also stars Aishwarya Lekshmi, Kalaiyarasan, Joju George and it also marks the debut of actor James Cosmo, the Jeor Mormont of Game of Thrones. South star Dhanush’s upcoming film Jagame Thandhiram is set to premiere on Netflix on 18 June, the streaming platform announced on Tuesday. “The film is made with the ambition of telling a gripping story …