Loni Kalbhor police on Sunday arrested an individual for the murder of a man after he refused to give money for liquor, said police. When Kalbhor refused to give money, the accused Mhatre got angry and attacked Kalbhor. Relatives of the Kalbor suspected his death and hence approached the police and filed an accidental death case at Loni Kalbhor police …
A criminal case has been registered at the Loni Kalbhor police station against two individuals from Kadamwak Wasti for electricity theft amounting to ₹2.68 lakh. During an inspection by a team from the Uruli Kanchan sub-division comprising deputy executive engineer Dhammapal Pandit, assistant engineer Ramprasad Narwade, Shweta Dalvi, and Siraj Syed, Rokade and Badade were found guilty of electricity theft. …