As electioneering picks up, arch rivals Congress and BJP are targeting each other in the Kalka assembly constituency. Pradeep Chaudhary was at an election campaign in Raitan area in Pinjore “Some are spreading drugs, while some are covering up their party’s failures with money. They have seen it all and every development will be completed,” said Congress candidate Pradeep Chaudhary …
A Kalka local court awarded one-year jail to a truck driver for causing the death of a Pinjore resident in a road accident in 2019. The case dates to March 13, 2019, when Ashok Kumar, 48, an employee of a private company in Pinjore was run over by a truck while crossing the road. The brother told the police that …
Recurring landslides near Chakki Mod on the Kalka-Shimla expressway, a lifeline for Himachal Pradesh, for the fifth day on Saturday have not only disrupted travel but also dealt a blow to apple transportation and led to slump in tourism. If the weather remains fine on Saturday, we could consider opening a single lane of the highway,” Solan superintendent of police …
A Kalka resident whose leg was fractured in a road accident last year was awarded a compensation of ₹4.49 lakh by the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal on Tuesday. The tribunal, while awarding compensation of ₹ 4,49,280, said the amount is payable by all the three respondents jointly and severally together with costs; and interest at the rate of 6% per …