Sister-in-law of slain gangster Amar Dubey on Tuesday filed her nomination papers from Kalyanpur assembly constituency as a Congress nominee for the coming UP elections. Neha Tiwari, the Congress candidate, is sister of Khushi Dubey, whose husband Amar Dubey was gunned down in an encounter with UP Police. The Congress had earlier announced that Khushi Dubey's mother Gayatri Tiwari will …
Sister-in-law of slain gangster Amar Dubey on Tuesday filed her nomination papers from Kalyanpur assembly constituency as a Congress nominee for the coming UP elections. Neha Tiwari, the Congress candidate, is sister of Khushi Dubey, whose husband Amar Dubey was gunned down in an encounter with UP Police. The Congress had earlier announced that Khushi Dubey’s mother Gayatri Tiwari will …
A man, who kidnapped and raped an eight-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur, was allegedly shot at during an encounter on Wednesday morning. The accused fired at the police when he was asked to stop near the Bara Siroha Canal in Kalyanpur area. ACP Kalyanpur Dinesh Shukla told India Today, "An unknown man was asked to stop by police near …