Raghava Lawrence’s Kanchana 3 has sailed past the Rs 100 crore mark in worldwide theatrical receipts on Sunday and emerged as a clear blockbuster. Despite the onslaught of box office juggernaut Avengers: Endgame in Tamil Nadu, Kanchana 3 earned an estimated total of Rs 8.8 crore in its second weekend. Kanchana 3, which also stars Bigg Boss Tamil sensation Oviya …
Raghava Lawrence is back to fight ghosts in his backyard in the trailer of his latest horror thriller offering Kanchana 3, which is gearing up for a worldwide release on 19 April. Kanchana 3’s trailer follows a tried-and-tested horror film recipe to induce fear through a neat concoction of terrifying sound and visual effects. The trailer has opened to mixed …