2019 has been a memorable year for Tamil cinema. Six major films have grossed more than Rs 100 crore each in worldwide theatrical takings, with Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil leading the way. The six films in the century grossers club are Superstar Rajinikanth’s Petta, Thala Ajith’s Viswasam, Nerkonda Paarvai, Raghava Lawrence’s Kanchana 3, Bigil and Kaithi. The cumulative total worldwide theatrical …
Kanchana 3 and jersey are the latest victims of online piracy website Tamilrockers. Piracy website Tamilrockers has become infamous for leaking a slew of highly-anticipated South Indian and Bollywood films within a day of their theatrical release. It’s a period sports drama and the story takes place between 1986 and 1996.” Jersey which was released on 19 April, ended up …
12 years ago, Raghava Lawrence got his breakthrough with Muni. Raghava Lawrence himself has gotten away with four films using the same idea, which is now as stale as Rajinikanth's promise on political entry. Their slapstick comedy and Raghava Lawrence's jumps onto Kovai Sarala's hip don't help much anymore either. Their purpose is to drool over Raghava, take turns in …