Raghava Lawrence’s Kanchana 3 has sailed past the Rs 100 crore mark in worldwide theatrical receipts on Sunday and emerged as a clear blockbuster. Despite the onslaught of box office juggernaut Avengers: Endgame in Tamil Nadu, Kanchana 3 earned an estimated total of Rs 8.8 crore in its second weekend. Kanchana 3, which also stars Bigg Boss Tamil sensation Oviya …
Kanchana 3 Director: Raghava Lawrencce Cast: Raghava Lawrencce, Vedhika, Oviya, Nikki Tamboli, Kovai Sarla and Soori Rating: 2/5 Kanchana 3 movie review: Raghava Lawrence delivers a horror flick that’s both unfunny and preposterous. Actor-filmmaker Raghava Lawrencce is back with the fourth instalment to the highly popular and successful Kanchana franchise which kicked off with the 2007 film Muni. Therefore, Lawrencce …
Raghava Lawrence was Rajinikanth’s favourite choreographer in the late ’90s before he turned actor and director of mass commercials. Lawrence is the “moving spirit” behind south India’s biggest horror franchise, Kanchana. Lawrence is, in a way, the father of horror comedy, Kollywood’s most popular genre which works well with mass audiences. Kanchana 3 is a template Lawrence horror comedy and …
12 years ago, Raghava Lawrence got his breakthrough with Muni. Raghava Lawrence himself has gotten away with four films using the same idea, which is now as stale as Rajinikanth's promise on political entry. Their slapstick comedy and Raghava Lawrence's jumps onto Kovai Sarala's hip don't help much anymore either. Their purpose is to drool over Raghava, take turns in …