Hyderabad: The Adibatla police arrested former chief minister K. Chandrashekar Rao’s nephew Kalvakuntla Tejeshwar Rao, alias Kanna Rao, in a land grabbing case. Bandoju Srinivas, director of OSR Projects, had lodged a complaint with the police on March 3 stating that Kanna Rao and 38 BRS activists had tried to encroach the company’s two acres of land, Adibatla inspector S. …
HYDERABAD: After BRS MLC K. Kavitha, Kalvakuntla Tejeshwar Rao alias Kanna Rao, another family member of former chief minister K. Chandrashekar Rao, was arrested by Rachakonda police in a land encroachment case on Saturday. Srinivas claimed that Kanna Rao’s men had damaged boundary walls with an earthmover, cut the fencing, burnt some furniture on the land. The land had been …