Ram Charan and Upasana are the most talked about pair of South Industry. Now in an Instagram post on Sunday, Upasana Kamineni Konidela has made her fans happy by giving a glimpse of the Konidela-Kamineni family's vacation in Tuscany. Upasana and Ram have created a stir by sharing a picture of a very happy family with a clean baby in …
So-called artisanal miners sort minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo, feeding a world ravenous for rechargeable batteries at the cost of human lives. Review Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives By Siddharth Kara St. Martin’s: 288 pages, $30 If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from Bookshop.org, …
It was apparent from the very day Elon Musk agreed to buy Twitter, last April, that he had neglected to think a few things through. What would happen if these things conspired to force Musk to find a way to turn profits at Twitter, a company he insisted he wasn’t buying for economic reasons and that has historically not made …
A memorial for Goo Hara, who was part of the K-pop girl group Kara, at the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital on Nov. 25. “If a man speaks up, it’s considered standing up for his own convictions, and if a female idol speaks up, it’s considered ‘attention seeking’ and met with a flood of criticism,” an editorial in the South Korean …