The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, also known as Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has removed the illegal loudspeaker belonging to the Noori Ilahi Sunni Welfare Association’s mosque in Mankhurd, for which the Mumbai police under the Maha Vikas Aghadi government in Maharashtra had on June 29 issued a notice to Karishma Bhosale and her mother for requesting the mosque authorities to …
The Mumbai Police under the Maha Vikas Aghadi government in Maharashtra has issued a notice to Karishma Bhosale and her mother for requesting the mosque authorities to lower the volume of loudspeaker that blared azaan. The notice was addressed to Karishma’s mother, Varsha Ganesh Bhosale, which stated that it was inappropriate on the part of Karishma to have visited the …
A girl in the Mankhurd region of Mumbai was bullied by Muslim residents for raising her voice against the blaring of azaan in high volume from a neighbourhood mosque in her area. The victim, Karishma Bhosale, living in Mankhurd, had visited a nearby mosque to convince the authorities to lower the volume of the azaan that blared through a loudspeaker …