Kasganj: At least 24 people, including seven children, died when the tractor-trolley in which they were travelling overturned and fell into a pond in Uttar Pradesh’s Kasganj district on Saturday morning, police said. They said 15-20 people were injured in the accident that took place on the Patiyali-Dariyavganj road under the Patiyali police station area when the occupants of the …
Demanding a high-level probe into the death of a youth in police custody in Kasganj district, students at the Aligarh Muslim University on Thursday held a march on the university campus as a mark of protest against the incident. Demanding justice for the 22-year-old Altaf, who died in the police custody, the the students have asked for a time-bound high-level …
A 10-year-old boy who was kidnapped two days back in Kasganj district of Uttar Pradesh was found brutally murdered on Wednesday. The incident was reported from Pithanpur village under the Sidhpura area of Kasganj, where the 10-year-old boy, Lokesh was kidnapped in broad daylight two days ago. The police had also started a search operation but could not recover the …