TV actor Naveen Kasturia, renowned for his role in TVF Aspirants, married his girlfriend Shubhanjali Sharma in Jaipur. Check out the comments here: Actor Amol Parashar shared more photos and videos from Naveen's daytime wedding ceremony. In the pictures, Naveen can be seen dancing and singing with his Aspirants co-stars, Amol, Shivankit Parihar, Namita Dubey and other friends. Here's his …
OTT actor Naveen Kasturia, best known for his role in TVF Aspirants and Pitchers, married his girlfriend Shubhanjali Sharma in Jaipur. Similarly, the show 'Aspirants' which came on Prime Video apart from TVF's YouTube channel also made many fans and the show's lead character Naveen Kasturia also garnered a lot of accolades. Naveen married long time girlfriend On Monday, Naveen …
Finally the trailer of the most awaited web series TVF Pitchers 2 is out and fans can't hold their excitement to watch the show. The OTT platform Zee5 has bought the streaming rights, a few days ago the makers teased all the fans by sharing a small clip from the upcoming season leaving netizens filled with impatience and excitement. Arunabh …
Pitchers became a cult show and an inspiration for millions of people to embark on their entrepreneurial journey, when it was released in June 2015. On Monday evening, TVF announced that Pitchers season 2 will stream on the OTT platform ZEE5 this Christmas and shared the teaser of the show. It opened with ‘Tu beer hai ’ scene from the …