Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Thirumavalavan and Mayiladuthurai Congress candidate Sudha, he said that even after failing to keep its promises, the BJP was coming up with an Mr. Stalin said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s guarantee was a ‘washing machine’ made in India by the BJP where people facing corruption charges can come out clean after joining the BJP. …
Expressing surprise over BJP’s sudden interest in Katchatheevu issue just before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Kanniyakumari MLA and AIADMK leader Thalavai N. Sundaram claimed that it was former Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa, who first raised the issue and filed a case with the Supreme Court in 2008. Speaking at a press conference here on Wednesday, he added, “It was …
KRISHNAGIRI/DHARMAPURI: The BJP and DMK are doing politics on the Katchatheevu issue to gain votes, only the AIADMK has tried to retrieve it from Sri Lanka, party general secretary Edappadi K Palaniswami said on Tuesday. For the past ten years, BJP government did not take steps to retrieve it, but is doing politics for political gain ahead of election.” Palaniswami …
Naam Tamizhar Katchi on Tuesday questioned the Bharatiya Janata Party for broaching the Katchatheevu issue after remaining “unresponsive” for 10 years as ruling party at the Centre. While the Congress party had made its stand clearly known in the Supreme Court that Katchatheevu islet cannot be retrieved, the BJP has to explain why, with all facts at disposal, it did …
Despite being in power for the past 10 years at the the Centre, the BJP did nothing to retrieve Katchatheevu island, and has now, only remembered the issue, on the eve of the general elections, said T.N. Speaking to mediapersons in Nagapattinam on Monday, April 1, 2024, Mr. Regupathy said: “If the BJP had genuine concern for Katchatheevu, why did …