KOCHI: After its demand for a second seat in the coming Lok Sabha elections was turned down by the LDF, the Kerala Congress plans to stake claim for a Rajya Sabha seat for party chairman Jose K Mani, whose tenure will expire in July. Political analysts feel the KC demanded an extra seat besides its sitting seat of Kottayam in …
The last time Pala went to the polls two years ago, the Kerala Congress led by Jose K. Mani had bet heavily on a runaway victory that would help maintain its predominance in Central Travancore. In the byelection that followed Mani’s death, Mani C. Kappan, Left Democratic Front candidate, pulled off an improbable victory and, in doing so, shook the …
KOTTAYAM: The confrontation between P.J. Joseph and Jose K. Mani factions of Kerala Congress is giving a headache to the UDF as proved by the Pala by-election defeat last month. Saji Manjakadambil, its Kottayam district committee president and a Joseph loyalist, said that the issues cannot be settled until the other side accepts their leadership. A Mani group leader said …
KOTTAYAM: The split has reduced the bargaining power of the Kerala Congress in the UDF, and the Congress party might now stake a claim for some of its seats like Ettumanoor and Poonjar. In Ettumanoor seat, KCM leader Thomas Chazhikadan had lost two times consecutively, and in Poonjar, where sitting MLA P.C. George is facing the wrath of his traditional …