THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Congress’ official organ Veekshanam looked set to trigger a political whirlwind on Wednesday morning with an editorial urging the party’s erstwhile ally, the Kerala Congress, to return to the UDF fold. Testing the waters in view of an expected dispute within the LDF over the Rajya Sabha seat, the Congress organ advised KC to come back to its old …
KOCHI: After its demand for a second seat in the coming Lok Sabha elections was turned down by the LDF, the Kerala Congress plans to stake claim for a Rajya Sabha seat for party chairman Jose K Mani, whose tenure will expire in July. Political analysts feel the KC demanded an extra seat besides its sitting seat of Kottayam in …
Marking the completion of a massive structural revamp initiated by the Kerala Congress, the reconstituted State committee of the party that met here for the first time on Sunday appointed Jose K. Mani as its chairman. The State conference also appointed a seven-member political affairs committee, which will serve as the party’s highest decision-making body. Despite its relatively successful association …