Industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s family threw a lavish Diwali bash for their friends and family in Mumbai on Thursday. Isha Ambani and Yuvraj Singh with Hazel Keech at the Ambani Diwali party. Watch | Nita Ambani, Mukesh Ambani host Diwali party for Mumbai Indians Actor Sagarika Ghatge also made a stunning appearance. Mukesh Ambani’s daughter and businesswoman Isha Ambani, her brother …
Actor Hazel Keech shared a sweet post for her husband and cricketer Yuvraj Singh as he announced retirement from all forms of the sport on Monday. The loved-up post got attention not just from their fans but also from Yuvraj’s ex-girlfriend and actor Kim Sharma. Hazel Keech has shared a post for her husband Yuvraj Singh and Kim Sharma has …