Samajwadi Party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav, author and philanthropist Sudha Murty, actor Raveena Tandon and music composer MM Keeravani were among those conferred with the prestigious Padma Awards announced on the eve of India's 74th Republic Day. The nine Padma Bhushan awardees include industrialist Kumar Mangalam Birla, author and philanthropist Sudha Murty and novelist SL Bhyrappa. On the other hand, …
Hyderabad: Spiritual leader Chinna Jeeyar Swami and music composer M.M. Winning a Padma Shri, Keeravani adds another feather to his cap, after recently winning the Golden Globes award for original song ‘Naatu Naatu’ from the movie ‘RRR’ and making the Oscar shortlist for the same. Telangana is a recipient of two Padma Bhushan and three Padma Shri awards this year, …