On Thursday afternoon, as the Aam Aadmi Party was leading in 91 of 117 seats in Punjab, from a stage atop the party headquarters in Delhi, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal described his party’s performance as a “revolution” that would “spread throughout the country”. However, both party leaders and observers feel that this moment is different given AAP’s “huge victory” in …
The Delhi chief minister chaired a review meeting on the COVID-19 situation in the National Capital on Monday New Delhi: Several steps are being taken to increase the number of beds in both private and government hospitals in Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday after a review meeting on the COVID-19 situation in the National Capital. The number …
The Russia-made Sputnik V vaccine may be cleared for emergency use in India within 10 days, a highly placed official confirmed to The Hindu on condition of anonymity. Here are the latest updates: Delhi Relax norms for opening COVID-19 vaccination centres, taking jab: Kejriwal writes to PM Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seeking …