Months after the Hattee community of Himachal Pradesh’s Trans-Giri area was declared as a Scheduled Tribe, anger is building among members over the delay in the implementation of the new classification. Ramesh Singta, chief spokesperson for Kendriya Hattee Samiti, told The Hindu: “More than 3,000 people were at the peaceful march today and we are planning a much larger rally …
Karnataka chief minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday announced ₹10,000 compensation for those whose houses were affected or damaged due to heavy rainfall and flooding in Bengaluru’s Yelahanka area, news agency PTI reported. Bommai said that incessant rainfall over the past three days resulted in the overflowing of Yelahanka lake and the floodwater submerging the houses in Kendriya Vihar Apartment and …