Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday barred three individuals, including Ketan Parekh, from the securities markets with immediate effect for their alleged involvement in a front-running scheme which generated illegal gains of ₹65.77 crore. The regulator also restrained Ketan Parekh, Rohit Salgaocar and Ashok Kumar Poddar from associating with any intermediary registered with Sebi, either directly or indirectly, with immediate effect. …
Mumbai: India’s market regulator said it has uncovered an alleged front-running scheme involving Ketan Parekh, convicted in 2008 for stock market manipulation, and Rohit Salgaocar, whose company facilitated these “illicit” trades that led to unlawful gains of ₹65.77 crore. Role of key accused “The evidence gathered, including digital footprints, WhatsApp chats, phone calls, and Bloomberg messages, suggests that Ketan Parekh …
Harshad Mehta is infamous for orchestrating the largest stock market scandal. Following his scam, another significant financial wrongdoing occurred in 2001, led by Ketan Parekh, who had previously been associated with Harshad Mehta as his protege. Following the Harshad Mehta scandal, the Ketan Parekh scam emerged as the second significant event that rattled the Bombay Stock Exchange. Ketan Parekh, who …