Ajmer Police arrested Salman Chishti, Khadim of Ajmer Dargah, last night for allegedly giving a provocative statement against suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, said Additional Superintendent of Police Vikas Sangwan. According to the ASP, Khadim Salman Chishti was arrested around 12.45 am on Wednesday after a video of him threatening Nupur Sharma went viral. Salman Chishti, who is talking about …
Highlights Salman Chishti, Khadim of Ajmer Sharif Dargah was arrested by Rajasthan Police. Salman Chishti, khadim of Ajmer Sharif Dargah, was arrested by the Rajasthan Police on Tuesday night, for making provocative comments against suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, Ajmer district ASP Vikas Sangwan told news agency ANI. Syed Salman Chishti, a history-sheeter, had released a video wherein he abused …
Rajasthan Police has arrested Salman Chishti, the ‘khadim’ of famous Ajmer Sharif shrine, for publicly offering a reward to the person who beheads Nupur Sharma for her objectionable remark against Prophet Mohammad. There was another ‘khadim’ Gauhar Chishti who made a similar video on June 17 calling people to behead Nupur Sharma. He was addressing a crowd near Nizam Gate …
On July 5, a video of Ajmer Dargah Khadim Salman Chishti surfaced on social media platforms in which he threatened to kill the former spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party, Nupur Sharma. Notably, a few days ago the head of Ajmer Dargah Zainul Abedin Ali Khan had claimed Indian Muslims would not allow Talibanization in the country. Additional Superintendent of Police …
Highlights A man in Rajasthan's Ajmer offers his house, property to anyone who will behead Nupur Sharma He gave this statement after listening to Nupur Sharma's controversial remarks on Prophet Mohammad The man was reportedly identified as Salman Chishti Syed Salman Chisti, a history-sheeter and khadim of the Ajmer dargah, has offered his house and property to anyone who beheads …