HBO has unveiled a first look at A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, a prequel series to Game of Thrones separate from House of the Dragon. Martin’s Tales of Dunk and Egg novels, in particular the 160-page novella The Hedge Knight, focuses on the characters Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, Aegon Targaryen a.k.a Egg. …
However, this could be signs of other respiratory infections hence experts say fever and persistent cough should be important symptoms to look out for. The UK government on Monday expanded the list of symptoms related to the novel coronavirus to add the loss of taste and smell to the already existing cough and fever guidelines for people to self-isolate or …
Over her eight-season arc, Cersei Lannister roused us to anger and hate, admiration, and unexpectedly — pity. When the Red Keep came tumbling down on Cersei Lannister in ‘The Bells’ — episode 5 of Game of Thrones season 8 — it marked the end for one of Westeros’ most interesting characters. She asks him about Lyanna, and when he seems …
This is not just about economic history or the history of trade in India. Laxminama mixes a series of mythological tales, stories of historical figures to talk about trade, economy and businesses from ancient India to fairly current times. The authors start with the myths of Gilgamesh and Prithu taking us all the way to Ram Rahim and his empire. …