An election campaign unlike any other is drawing to a close, with West Australian voters to have their say in just three days. Hillarys Margin: Liberal 0.4 per cent Key candidates: Peter Katsambanis, Caitlin Collins Hillarys is the Liberals' most marginal seat. Kingsley Margin: Labor 1.2 per cent Key candidates: Jessica Stojkovski, Scott Edwardes Jessica Stojkovski won the seat of …
A Liberal Kirkup government plans to close all publicly owned coal-fired power stations by 2025 as part of the "biggest jobs, renewable energy and export project in the nation", meaning Muja and Collie would shut within four years. Key points: The WA Liberals say their energy plan will create tens of thousands of jobs It wants the electricity system to …
Mining mogul Clive Palmer is still suing Western Australia's Premier for alleged defamation, despite his office issuing a statement stating the action had been withdrawn. In a statement on Sunday, Mr Palmer's media adviser said the billionaire's lawyers had written to WA Premier Mark McGowan advising him a defamation case against him would be withdrawn. "I've had about enough of …