New Delhi: Rumours have been circulating about actress Sreeleela's payment for the item song ‘Kissik’ in ‘Pushpa 2’, in which she replaces Samantha Ruth Prabhu's famous appearance. According to certain rumours, Samantha Ruth Prabhu was reportedly paid Rs 5 crore for ‘Oo Antava’, whereas Sreeleela got just Rs 2 crore. Thanks to Sreeleela's dance performance and the explosive rhythms of …
Actor Samantha has once again expressed her admiration for fellow artistes. This time praising actor Sreeleela’s performance in the recently released song Kissik from Pushpa 2: The Rule. Samantha, who delivered the massive hit Oo Antava in the first instalment of Pushpa, appeared impressed by the chemistry of the two actors, and their energetic dance moves showcased in the new …