Salman Khan was not happy with Bigg Boss 17 contestants, and said he did not have any interest in pointing out or correcting their behaviour. In the latest promo shared by Colors TV, Salman scolded the contestants, telling them 'go to hell' after talking about how some people on Bigg Boss 17 find him wrong. Bigg Boss 17 Weekend Ka …
The countdown has begun! KARAN CONFESSES HE FELL IN LOVE ON BIGG BOSS 15 The RJs began their grilling session with Karan Kundrra. Check out the new promo of Bigg Boss 15 below: Later, RJ Karan told the Bigg Boss 15 contestant that he doesn't support his girlfriend Tejasswi Prakash when she needs him. KARAN AND TEJASSWI'S RELATIONSHIP After a …