Ganti Harish Madhur, the Telugu Desam Party’s candidate for the Amalapuram Lok Sabha constituency, has big shoes to fill. It was my father’s dream as well as an aspiration of the people of Konaseema,” Mr. Harish says. In 2024, my goal will remain unchanged as our region needs to be connected by the rail network to the rest of India …
KAKINADA: Passengers of Kakinada and Konaseema districts have proposed a Coastal Railway Line through Kakinada that will reduce the rail distance between Visakhapatnam and Chennai by 60 kilometres. Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Kakinada Lok Sabha member Vanga Gita said Indian Railways has already sanctioned a dedicated railway line to Kakinada Special Economic Zone. Clubbed with Kotipalli-Narsapur railway line, there will …