On Friday, G. Koteswara Rao, CITU’s Anakapalle district general secretary, visited the Parvada pharmaceutical industries to assess the situation firsthand. He spoke with workers about the ongoing water shortage and inspected the site where APIIC is repairing motors that had previously undergone repairs.During the visit, Koteswara Rao criticised APIIC officials for their negligence and the irresponsible behavior of the management. …
Those travelling on Vijayawada’s M.G. Padma Shri awardee Ayyanki Venkata Ramaiah, known as the architect of the public library movement in the country, was the first secretary of Ram Mohan Library. Andhra Pradesh’s first Assembly Speaker and freedom fighter Ayyadevara Kaleswara Rao gave up contesting to the seat of local councillor and donated ₹500 to the library. The first ‘Andhra …