Maha Kumbh 2025: In a tragic incident, Mahesh Kothe, a leader from Sharad Pawar-led died in Prayagraj after taking a holy dip. The incident took place when the 60-year-old leader went to attend shahi snan at Triveni Sangam around 7.30 am. Lost to BJP candidate In recently held Maharashtra assembly elections, Kot Kothe had unsuccessfully contested the November 20 assembly …
A tweet on NCP chief Sharad Pawar's Twitter account on Friday informed about a former Shiv Sena leader from Solapur joining the party, but it was deleted later. Mahesh Kothe, a former Sena leader, and his associates met Pawar here but did not join the party, sources said. Pawar, in a tweet in Marathi on Friday, said, "Leader of Opposition …