The Kerala judge, who said sexual harassment charges will not stand against an accused if the complainant was wearing a “sexually provocative dress” and provoked outrage, was transferred to a labour court in Kollam late on Tuesday. The transfer was ordered days after Krishnakumar granted anticipatory bail to writer Civic Chandran, 74, in two sexual harassment cases. In the first …
A sessions court in Kerala’s Kozhikode has granted anticipatory bail to writer Civic Chandran, 74, in a sexual harassment case saying the charges against him under the Indian Penal Code’s Section 354A will not prima facie stand if the complainant was wearing a provocative dress. It cited the photographs that Chandran produced with his bail plea and said they showed …
What’s it with a cup of tea and the lockdown? It seems to be director-writer Muhsin Parari’s cup of tea and the result is the Malayalam single, ‘Chaayappaattu’, composed and sung by Sithara Krishnakumar. Minimalistic visuals of piping hot black tea steaming the sides of a glass into which it is poured, Sithara’s voice, Muhsin’s lyrics and notes of the …