Arti Singh has finally opened up about her brother, Krushna Abhishek’s fight with ‘mama’ Govinda. In a recent interview, Arti expressed happiness that the Bollywood superstar attended her wedding earlier this year and revealed that she was never involved in their fight. While everyone was unsure about Govinda attending Arti’s wedding especially after he skipped the TV star’s Haldi, Sangeet …
Govinda has taken the internet by surprise as he made a grand entry at his niece Arti Singh’s wedding in Mumbai on Thursday evening. Fans were unsure about Govinda attending Arti’s wedding especially after he skipped the TV star’s Haldi, Sangeet and Mehendi ceremonies. Govinda has not been on talking terms with his nephew Krushna Abhishek, who is Arti’s elder …
Arti Singh cannot contain her excitement as she keeps posting videos and pictures from her pre-wedding celebrations on social media. The actor had a family reunion as her brother Krushna Abhishek and cousin Ragini Khanna attended her bridal shower. Arti Singh celebrated her bridal shower with Krushna Abhishek and Kashmeera Shah. Arti Singh beams with joy at bridal shower Arti …
Although Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal are yet to address the speculations of their wedding, Krushna Abhishek has already sent his love and best wishes to the couple. Recent reports claimed that Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif were planning to tie the knot by December. The comedian, who recently shot two different episodes of The Kapil Sharma Show with Katrina …