Justice B. Veerappa of the High Court of Karnataka, known to be fearless and straightforward, sometimes “roared” in the court hall and earned fame as “tiger” in the fraternity of lawyers, Chief Justice Prasanna B. Varale said here on Wednesday. The Chief Justice was speaking at the ceremonial function organised by the High Court and the Karnataka State Bar Council …
The Karnataka High Court on Thursday directed the Karnataka State Legal Services Authority to intervene and assist the court in a suo-motu petition initiated regarding lack of proper infrastructure and filling up vacancies at Forensic Science Laboratories in the state. We direct Karnataka State Legal Aid Services Authority to intervene and appoint a learned counsel to assist the court." The …
The Karnataka High Court on Thursday pulled up the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike for not putting in systematic efforts to ascertain how many migrants, homeless people and stranded people are on the streets or are squatting on public places such as below the flyovers, in Bengaluru city. To which the bench said, "The report dated 7th April 2020 creates a …