In a fresh letter to UT administrator Gulab Chand Kataria, city mayor Kuldeep Kumar Dhalor has once again requested that the upcoming mayoral polls be conducted through a show of hands. On January 3, a delegation from the Aam Aadmi Party, led by mayor Kuldeep Kumar Dhalor, had met deputy commissioner Nishant Kumar Yadav, urging that the elections be held …
The cash-strapped Chandigarh municipal corporation, which was hoping for an immediate financial relief, did not receive any special grant from Punjab governor and UT administrator Gulab Chand Kataria during the MC House meeting on Saturday. Chandigarh mayor Kuldeep Kumar Dhalor welcoming Punjab governor and UT administrator Gulab Chand Kataria at the MC House meeting on Saturday. Detect leakages, increase taxes: …