The Bombay High Court on Monday asked the Maharashtra government why people who have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine are not being allowed to travel by local trains in Mumbai. Not only for lawyers, but also for people coming from other walks of life," the division bench of Chief justice Dipankar Datta and Justice GS Kulkarni said this …
The Maharashtra government on Wednesday told the Bombay High Court that it incurred a loss of around Rs 42 lakh as most of the Shramik Special trains arranged in the last month to ferry stranded migrant workers to their native states amid the COVID-19 pandemic went empty. Advocate General Ashutosh Kumbhakoni, appearing for the state government, told a division bench …
The Maharashtra government on Wednesday told the Bombay High Court that it incurred a loss of around ₹42 lakh as most of the Shramik Special trains arranged in the last month to ferry stranded migrant workers to their native states amid the COVID-19 pandemic went empty. Advocate General Ashutosh Kumbhakoni, appearing for the state government, told a division bench of …